I heard it all the time -- "You are too sensitive." True. I have always managed an uncontrolled amount of sensory data: smells, sounds, strong emotions, strange energies, bizarre knowings, even beautiful pictures or movies that would come into my mind.
Living with acute sensitivities was kinda like being in a small row boat in choppy water. I kinda bounced around from one big way to the next, not really sure how to steady myself.
That got exhausting, and fast! So, I set about to learn a little more about what I could do to take my power back, regain control, and stand sturdy.
Here is my #1 hint for taking your power back:
When flooded with data, do not surrender and accept all of the information as both "true" and "yours to deal with" Instead, ask questions! "Spirit, is this information useful to me? Is it mine to know? Is it important now? Is it in my highest good to know and process this? Is this mine to do anything with?"Trust what comes. Usually by asking questions, that which is not intended for us in the present moment begins to loose it's power.
I remember the year that I realized that all of these sensitivities were gifts and that I was standing up to the calling of being in service through them in healing work. I had to learn everyone and everything isn't mine to heal. In fact, all healing is self healing, so it was completely wrong of me to think that I was really "healing anyone." (To be honest, I think what I was doing at this time anyways was healing myself by getting deeply connected to my own gifts and my own way of knowing the world.)
Healing is about:
- holding someone in their highest potential
- creating an environment where anything is possible
- allowing Spirit to use our special gifts (those that were part of our unique design)
I really do believe that those of us who were given heightened perceptions were given these as a gift to help us interact with the world in incredibly special ways. Unfortunately, along with those gifts, the write up on "the rules (or suggestions really) of engagement" wasn't gifted along with the gifts.
So, voila:
10 Suggestions of Engagement:
I'm not saying that you need to adopt these specifically, but hoping
that it will offer you a place to start if you feel like you are wanting
to take control over your sensitivities; do more with your gifts; but
want a little more information on how you might get started.
1) Create a centered and ground inner state before you work. Why? Because this keeps you and your client safe. Being centered in the present moment, allows you to be a conduit for source energy. Being grounded is being connected to source energy so that you don't have to give your energy away (Slap-in-the-Face-Hint: No one wants your stuff anyway.)
(If you are interested in learning more, I often have free workshops on grounding and centering.)
2) Receive permission before you do your work. And for me, I believe that if the person you are working with is alive and able to speak on their own behalf, then you need to talk with them and have them give you permission (creating a "real life" and energetic contract / agreement) before you work together.
A note about "Permission with someone's Higher Self"
I have heard some people say that you can go directly to the individual's Higher Self and ask for permission. I personally disagree with this under most situations. If the person you want to work with is alive and can speak for his- or her- self, then I want to speak with that person as a person not as a spirit. Sometimes, someone has contacted me to help support a loved one who is incapable of speaking for his- or her- self. First, I ask that person about their loved one's feelings about energy work. If that feels good, then I ask for permission from the loved one in charge of care. If that feels good, I then ask the ill person's Higher Self. Ideally, I would want everyone in agreement. Sometimes it doesn't work that way, if there is a "No" from the Higher Self of the person being treated, then I always honor that "No." (The same goes for working with animals - ask the owner for permission and then ask the animal's Higher Self.)
3) Keep energetic information about a client strictly confidential. If I learn something about someone energetically, that is sacred information and it is not for me tell, share, or insinuate to anyone else. These are just basic boundary and respect lines that I do not cross. Being trustworthy is an element of being honest and of high integrity. When someone is in contract with me around energy therapy, I want them to know that they can trust me. Regardless of my opinion about what seems helpful in a situation, it is NEVER my information to share.
4) Stay in your scope of practice. I am not a counselor (you might be if you are licensed in that practice, but I'm not.) So, it is absolutely imperative that I do not give advice or counsel in anyway. I am energy person; I educate my clients about their energy system - about how to help support their energy system. I don't ever give counseling advice. Even when I do intuitive counseling, I have a different way of presenting information. When I need to (and that's often) I leverage my professional community for referrals. I have amazing people in my area who are incredibly well-trained in their disciplines. I don't pretend that I can do it all. Energy Medicine might touch Body, Mind, and Spirit - but that doesn't mean that I am a doctor, a therapist, or a spiritual counselor. I suggest that you create a network; learn about your community; refer! refer! refer!
5) Do not "check in" with someone else's friend. I've had people ask me to "check in" with someone's boyfriend or neighbor or family member to see what is going on with them. I will never do this. In this situation, I do not have permission to "check in" with your friend (family or neighbor) energetically and second I would never, ever tell anyone else about someone's energy patterns (without written permission from both parties).
6) Follow the energy. Once working in a practice or as a hobby, it is easy to get into acknowledging the wisdom of a method or a technique and use that technique for X, Y, or Z. I've learned that it is much more useful for the client for you to do a proper assessment of their energy system and select what method arrives from a centered and grounded and attuned space. The wisdom of the energy is much greater than our wisdom as an individual.
7) Only work when you are feeling well. I will cancel appointment when I don't feel that I can properly ground and center myself due to what is going on in my life. (This could be a health thing or emotional thing or something else.) My ability to hold a strong grounded and centered inner state is essential in this work and being self-aware and honoring where I am is part of process. Over time, I found that I got better and better about knowing how to manage and take care of my own energy needs. I better understand now when I need a vacation or when I need to schedule that long weekend to recoup.
8) Listen without judgement. One of the greatest teachings that I've ever received is to "meet people where they are without judgement." In the energy, we are where we are; and that is exactly where we need to be in that moment. I have no right to make any judgements about where anyone is or where they are going when they come to see me.
9) Set intention for Highest Good and let go out outcome. This is so hard to learn. I really really had to practice this one. Of course I want people to "feel better" or "have less pain" or even "live instead of die" but all of these are outcomes that are based on my personal agenda of what that person's soul journey is to be. I have no right to setting intention based on my limited view point of what is right. Letting go of outcome requires us to get out of our ego and trust the unfolding of the energy in its own time and in it's own way. By setting intention (or creating the contract between you and your client) in the Highest Good of both you and your client, you hold a container that allows for miracles to occur - miracles and unfoldings that are much beyond what I would realize.
10) Seek out a mentor. If you are just getting started in this, seek out a mentor. If you've been doing it a while, seek out a mentor. I love having my team of mentors, a wisdom council, made up of wonderful healers, thinkers, researchers, writers, etc. I would so encourage you to find someone who has been doing this work for a while and make regular meetings with them to talk about and learn about things like interfering energies; what do to with dark forces; how to know when you aren't grounded and centered; what do with difficult cases, etc. etc. There is a lot more to this than just managing your sensitivities and your gifts.