Monday, September 12, 2016

Tinnitus - Strong Hold, Strong Will?

I've been doing some research on Tinnitus, a quiet (and sometimes not-so-quiet) ringing or whooshing sound in the ears.

Tinnitus is mysterious in that it has roots that spread throughout all types of diagnostic theories and can be associated different "medical conditions".
  • psychological  (as in due to stress, tension held in the TMJ associated with stress, the actual "noticing" and "filtering" dervived from how we are "aware" and "perceive")
  • nuitritional  (as in a sensitivity to caffine or dairy)
  • structural  (as in looking into the structure of pressure around the vertebrae in the upper neck)
  • physiological (as in associated with high blood pressure)
  • environmental (as in due to loud environmental sounds or also associated with filtering EMF and other environmental energies)
As you know, I'm not a doctor, so I don't diagnose or prescribe in my work.  I look at the big picture and listen to the energy and try to support the balancing of energy aspects of the body but also relational energy aspects of how an individual is in relationship with their larger aspects of their life.

I have a few clients right now struggling with a diagnosis of "tinnitus," but struggling more with the symptoms that come along with that definition.

I turned to my wisdom council, a group of amazingly talented healers (from all over the World) that I am honored enough to be a part of.  Here's what was brought forward by our discussion.

I offer this because if anyone else is bothered by this and any of these ideas feel supportive to you, I invite you to take this information into your next medical appointment and discuss it with your doctor.
  • An intuitive and licensed Medical Doctor from Munich reported that in her experience there are many underlying psychological issues that arrive when treating Tinnitus.  

  • An intuitive audiologist in Virginia reported that she is also in agreement around the presence of psychological aspects and stories that might need to be looked into. She also writes: There may only be inflammation within the vestibular system which cortisone can help. An MD can order a nystagmography test which can:
    •  help identify the presence of vestibular dysfunction 
    • give pointers to the MD toward other possible conditions 

  • A bioresonance practitioner in Australia shared that in the book, Cure for All Diseases (p169) Hulda Clark shared that there were 3 things combined that resulted in tinnitus.
    • Streptococcus pneumonaie
    • an allergy to salicylates (that [she] believes is pesticide-related) 
    • "toxic elements" 
She also feels that there is a underlying energetic component that is emotionallly/spiritually-based.
      • A healer from Belguim offers that there are many layers to that issue, in my experience : physical, emotional, spiritual, nutritional etc. As far as the physical part is concerned, she has have noticed in the many cases, that it is often time linked to an automatic response of clenching the teeth and tensing muscles in the jaw and cerebral trunk area (which could be very subtle in this last case). This has a direct influence on the inner ear, because it restricts the flow path of inner ear liquid - perceived vibrations are then amplified into uncomfortable to unbearable sounds. Tensions at the base of the skull also slots down the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid, the head becoming a gigantic boombox. 
      In my experience, the emotional part casting this automatic response is oftentimes noticed in people who are perfectionists, overachievers and in great need of control. Working on that emotional layer somehow, including some mindful relaxation of the the base of the skull, ostheopathic work will greatly improve things.
      • Another Healing Touch Practitioner suggested a supplement from a local acupuncturist that had good results in reducing tinnitus. It is called Lipo-Flavonoid Plus. It addresses nerve damage that contributes to tinnitus. You can buy it at Walgreens. The Walgreens pharmacist I checked with says there are a lot of people who buy it regularly to treat tinnitus.    [AMELIA DOES NOT ENDORSE THE USE OF SUPPLEMENTS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF YOUR MEDICAL TEAM.]

      • An intuitive from the Washington, DC area contributes that I'm struck by the words you use, Amelia-- "ringing" in particular, and I will come from a different angle simply because you/your clients are using the word "ringing" to describe sensation/vibration (a feeling, if you will). To me, "ringing" describes a sound. If the clients don't "listen to" the sensation and instead just witness it, does it pass more quickly? Is it there at all? In other words, I think if we sense something with multiple modalities (in this case, hearing and feeling), it becomes bigger than it is. In my own practice with this phenomenon (my auditory sensations come and go and have no rhyme or reason--at least not any I'm meant to glean), when I separate the sound from the feeling, I can work with the vibration alone and allow HSOG/kundalini self-correction to just move the thing in the way it needs to. If I try to hear or make sense of the sound (and why it's there), I get stuck and start suffering. This is key > being stuck is a coping mechanism. In this case, it can be from a client not actually wanting to feel the sensations/witness vibrations as they heal. Instead they hop to "hearing" and other activities that occur in the head. Best, I believe, to stay in the body, the vibration and movement. If this isn't tinnitus, and just the temporary coming and going of things rattling into place, then it will pass as soon as it is allowed to. 
      • An intuitive from MN shared that she has reduced her tinnitus 60-70% over 2-3 years with:
        • Heavy duty chiropractic care and massage working along the sacral vertebrae along with cervical, especially the occiput. I have my massage person dig in under the skull. I also have her adjust my jaw inside the mouth. 
        • She talks through my "speaking up" issues--what to ignore and when I have to speak. 
        • She stretches daily and use a really good pillow.
        • She sleeps with white noise or bird sounds.  
        • She chants every morning and believes the chanting has made a HUGE difference because it's feeding new sounds into my system -- specifically she chants the names of "God." 
        • It can be good to work on the kidney merdian line -- I eat for my adrenals, so am gluten and dairy free--the ringing returns if I eat too much gluten.  (Gluten and pesticides/toxicity have a connection in our country.) 

      Tuesday, September 6, 2016

      Inward Journey Take 2! Removing the Camo & Scuba Gear

      I imagine that you have heard the adage, "Do your work."   You know the "Do your [soul] [required for evolution] [spirit-centered] work [that feels like you are about to warrior somewhere uncertain and likely difficult and possibly uncomfortable].

      My latest assignment came from a dear friend, colleague, and wonderful healer....

      Amelia, speak to your inner child. 
      Say all the words your inner child wanted to hear, but didn't.  
      Say all the words your inner child wants to her, but hasn't.

      As if that wasn't enough, there was a somatic component: 
      You can speak these words while patting body parts, hugging self, holding body areas that are connected with specific chakra issues or places that have a known need for healing.


      A few days later, she checked in with me about how I did with this homework.  Dissuaded by impending discomfort; acknowledgement of lingering (and perhaps balance threatening) fear, I decided what most rationale people decide, "I'm not doing it."  

      I'm not really someone to give up that quickly.  When I hear myself say "I'm not doing it."  I'm the lady that will spend most of the next few days trying to figure out why and then figuring out if there is a message in that decision or a need that is arising.  

      I gave it little extra thought.  I marshaled forward at least a few mental images of what I would need to prepare:   camo, a gun, probably an extra oxygen mask (or ten), a team, a companion, a flight crew,  more time, and a few good night's worth of sleep.  Images came into my imagination:

      Of course, I'm absolutely not going to talk to my inner child. 
      She's young and likely she's really busy anyways. 

      I'm also afraid of guns, swimming in cold water, pugs,
      heights, any amount of tight clothing, and certainly anything scary or dangerous. 

      (If the movie of my life were rated, then it would be Rated G.)

      So, in all my honesty, I told her I hadn't done my homework yet.  She replied, "If you just get started, it will be much easier...."  She also offered  that the first few lines of this dialog could start something like this:

      "Dear, inner child, I have your back. I will support you fully, regardless of where we end up. You are so safe; you are so loved; there is nothing you would ever say or do that I cannot embrace fully as perfect..."

      It reminded me of the time my counselor told me that "the conversation set up" is just as important as the conversation itself.   These beginnings matter.  It's not just "starting" it's starting in a way that is comfortable, comforting, appropriate, safe, honest, and kind.  (If it is comfortable for you, you might even call in your spiritual guidance, your protection, your angelic team, but I don't write assuming that you are comfortable with this.) 

      It's opening the door at the right time and the right speed.  It's taking a minute to set the tone for the inward journey...

      It was a nice reminder that it is possible to invoke the right energy and gentleness not just during your time "in journey" but those few moments before...

        Let the inner safari begin...


      This post is lovingly dedicated to Cindy.

      Sunday, July 10, 2016

      The Top 10 "Rules" of Engagement (for Healers and other Sensitives)

      I heard it all the time -- "You are too sensitive."  True.  I have always managed an uncontrolled amount of sensory data: smells, sounds, strong emotions, strange energies, bizarre knowings, even beautiful pictures or movies that would come into my mind.

      Living with acute sensitivities was kinda like being in a small row boat in choppy water.  I kinda bounced around from one big way to the next, not really sure how to steady myself.

      That got exhausting, and fast!  So, I set about to learn a little more about what I could do to take my power back, regain control, and stand sturdy.

      Here is my #1 hint for taking your power back:

      When flooded with data, do not surrender and accept all of the information as both "true" and "yours to deal with"   Instead, ask questions!  "Spirit, is this information useful to me? Is it mine to know?  Is it important now? Is it in my highest good to know and process this?  Is this mine to do anything with?"   

      Trust what comes.   Usually by asking questions, that which is not intended for us in the present moment begins to loose it's power.

      I remember the year that I realized that all of these sensitivities were gifts and that I was standing up to the calling of being in service through them in healing work.  I had to learn everyone and everything isn't mine to heal.  In fact, all healing is self healing, so it was completely wrong of me to think that I was really "healing anyone."   (To be honest, I think what I was doing at this time anyways was healing myself by getting deeply connected to my own gifts and my own way of knowing the world.)

      Healing is about:
      • holding someone in their highest potential
      • creating an environment where anything is possible
      • allowing Spirit to use our special gifts (those that were part of our unique design)
      Doesn't that take the pressure off?

      I really do believe that those of us who were given heightened perceptions were given these as a gift to help us interact with the world in incredibly special ways. Unfortunately, along with those gifts, the write up on "the rules (or suggestions really) of engagement" wasn't gifted along with the gifts.

      So, voila:

      10 Suggestions of Engagement:

      I'm not saying that you need to adopt these specifically, but hoping that it will offer you a place to start if you feel like you are wanting to take control over your sensitivities; do more with your gifts; but want a little more information on how you might get started.

      1)  Create a centered and ground inner state before you work.   Why?  Because this keeps you and your client safe. Being centered in the present moment, allows you to be a conduit for source energy. Being grounded is being connected to source energy so that you don't have to give your energy away (Slap-in-the-Face-Hint: No one wants your stuff anyway.)
      (If you are interested in learning more, I often have free workshops on grounding and centering.)

      2)  Receive permission before you do your work.   And for me, I believe that if the person you are working with is alive and able to speak on their own behalf, then you need to talk with them and have them give you permission (creating a "real life" and energetic contract / agreement) before you work together. 

      A note about "Permission with someone's Higher Self"
      I have heard some people say that you can go directly to the individual's Higher Self and ask for permission.  I personally disagree with this under most situations.  If the person you want to work with is alive and can speak for his- or her- self, then I want to speak with that person as a person not as a spirit.  Sometimes, someone has contacted me to help support a loved one who is incapable of speaking for his- or her- self.    First, I ask that person about their loved one's feelings about energy work.  If that feels good, then I ask for permission from the loved one in charge of care. If that feels good, I then ask the ill person's Higher Self.   Ideally, I would want everyone in agreement. Sometimes it doesn't work that way, if there is a "No" from the Higher Self of the person being treated, then I always honor that "No."  (The same goes for working with animals - ask the owner for permission and then ask the animal's Higher Self.)

      3)  Keep energetic information about a client strictly confidential.  If I learn something about someone energetically, that is sacred information and it is not for me tell, share, or insinuate to anyone else.   These are just basic boundary and respect lines that I do not cross. Being trustworthy is an element of being honest and of high integrity.  When someone is in contract with me around energy therapy, I want them to know that they can trust me. Regardless of my opinion about what seems helpful in a situation, it is NEVER my information to share.

      4) Stay in your scope of practice.   I am  not a counselor (you might be if you are licensed in that practice, but I'm not.) So, it is absolutely imperative that I do not give advice or counsel in anyway. I am energy person; I educate my clients about their energy system - about how to help support their energy system. I don't ever give counseling advice.   Even when I do intuitive counseling, I have a different way of presenting information.   When I need to (and that's often) I leverage my professional community for referrals. I have amazing people in my area who are incredibly well-trained in their disciplines.  I don't pretend that I can do it all. Energy Medicine might touch Body, Mind, and Spirit - but that doesn't mean that I am a doctor, a therapist, or a spiritual counselor.  I suggest that you create a network; learn about your community; refer! refer! refer!

      5) Do not "check in" with someone else's friend.  I've had people ask me to "check in" with someone's boyfriend or neighbor or family member to see what is going on with them.  I will never do this.  In this situation, I do not have permission to "check in" with your friend (family or neighbor) energetically and second I would never, ever tell anyone else about someone's energy patterns (without written permission from both parties).

      6)  Follow the energy.  Once working in a practice or as a hobby, it is easy to get into acknowledging the wisdom of a method or a technique and use that technique for X, Y, or Z.  I've learned that it is much more useful for the client for you to do a proper assessment of their energy system and select what method arrives from a centered and grounded and attuned space.   The wisdom of the energy is much greater than our wisdom as an individual.

      7)  Only work when you are feeling well.  I will cancel appointment when I don't feel that I can properly ground and center myself due to what is going on in my life.  (This could be a health thing or emotional  thing or something else.)  My ability to hold a strong grounded and centered inner state is essential in this work and being self-aware and honoring where I am is part of process.  Over time, I found that I got better and better about knowing how to manage and take care of my own energy needs. I better understand now when I need a vacation or when I need to schedule that long weekend to recoup.

      8)  Listen without judgement.   One of the greatest teachings that I've ever received is to "meet people where they are without judgement."  In the energy, we are where we are; and that is exactly where we need to be in that moment.  I have no right to make any judgements about where anyone is or where they are going when they come to see me.

      9)  Set intention for Highest Good and let go out outcome.  This is so hard to learn.   I really really had to practice this one.  Of course I want people  to "feel better" or "have less pain" or even "live instead of die" but all of these are outcomes that are based on my personal agenda of what that person's soul journey is to be.  I have no right to setting intention based on my limited view point of what is right.  Letting go of outcome requires us to get out of our ego and trust the unfolding of the energy in its own time and in it's own way. By setting intention (or creating the contract between you and your client) in the Highest Good of both you and your client, you hold a container that allows for miracles to occur - miracles and unfoldings that are much beyond what I would realize.

      10) Seek out a mentor.  If you are just getting started in this, seek out a mentor. If you've been doing it a while, seek out a mentor.  I love having my team of mentors,  a wisdom council, made up of wonderful healers, thinkers, researchers, writers, etc.  I would so encourage you to find someone who has been doing this work for a while and make regular meetings with them to talk about and learn about things like interfering energies; what do to with dark forces; how to know when you aren't grounded and centered; what do with difficult cases, etc. etc.    There is a lot more to this than just managing your sensitivities and your gifts.

      This post is lovingly dedicated to Anne.

      Sunday, April 3, 2016

      Attending to brokenness - or that which no longer serves....


      I hear all the time that there is something that needs to change in you so that you can be whole?   
      "Whole-er" than you are now?

      False.   False.  False.

      I'm not didactic.  
      Boy, that sounds didactic doesn't it?

      Disclaimer to soften the intro:  
      I'm not someone who would ever "tell you your truth" because I don't believe 
      that I could ever possibly know your truth better that you. 

      Article, Finally

      I do believe that on some levels when I made a contract with Spirit to do this work that there was some amount of responsibility that I agreed to in "Truth saying" and "Truth living" and "Truth being" and it is from here that I am writing today.

      And when I hear the phrase, "I'm ready to shift that which doesn't serve" or "I'm ready to heal this part of me," I'm also hearing you say on some level that there is something in you or about you that is not ok; that is off;  something that is not resonating with you and you are asking to transform it. 

      And, I want to offer something different. 

      I think that along your way you chose a perfect choice to evolve your soul essence.  This choice might have brought you into some combination of a physical, body-based experience or a belief-based experience or it might have been a behavior or a relationship expeirience.  

      And you lived with, learned something from it, and went deeper into your very sacred and special  relationship with your soul essence, with your Self.  And from this, you discovered that there might be an option for something different and something new.   

      You could look at the crack in the rock and say that something needs to be filled in.  Or, you might also be feeling the stir of new flowers blooming through your life.

      And I believe that when we look deeply at the flowers, at the new, at the possibility, that we draw forward the energies that resonate. We request of Spirit to send us more of the perfect flowers to bloom into the chapters of our lives.  We send out roots and messages that attract growth.

      There is no choice but to stay curious in the unfoldings of our imaginations, of our soul whispers, of our beautiful garden within.      And as we create from the sweet imaginings born from Spirit and the alchemy of you and your living your own highest Truth   - something else is being transformed.

      This is not 'healing' that is letting go, this is the 'healing' of  "going deeper,"  the 'healing' of finding next expressions of Love and Truth in your own life.   

      And then we find ...

      we are only that.

      And always have been.

      And always will be.

      This post is lovingly dedicated to Jessica.

      Friday, February 26, 2016

      Activating New Backside Chakra Templates

      Use:  To provide any  and all supportive energies needed to create a complete energy template for each of  the backside chakras. These templates are made from multi-dimensional energies which can be associated with the unconscious and shadow energies of our Self. 

      Intention:  To call forward the missing frequencies in each backside chakra that is needed to balance and support the energy system.

       We always work in the Highest Good of the client!

      a) Ground, Center, and Attune to your client
      b) Clear, open, and balance the energy system.
      If trained in Healing Touch, you might adapt the Chakra Connection(1) by balancing both the front and back at the same time by intention.   
      If not, you could ask Spirit to send the perfect energies needed to clear, open, and balance your client's energy system.

      The Steps:  
      1. Starting at the root chakra, hold your hands about 6" over the chakra, cupped together facing up.

      2.  Request new energies to be placed in your hands by Spirit.  (See The Requests below.)

      Palms together & open receiving the energies from Spirit

      Note: Release from needing to know what these energies are or limiting them in anyway through your own conscious or unconscious beliefs. Do this by ensuring you are in a centered and grounded state and connected fully to spirit. 

      3. Allow Spirit to stream these energies in your hands and wait until your hands feel full. 

      4. Turn your hands and allow the energies to funnel down and offer them into the backside of the chakra.

      Offering the energies to the backside chakra you are working with.

      Note: This is an invitation and an offering. There is never permission to push or force energy into another being.  

      5.  Ask for Spirit to support easy transfer, merging, or replacement of the new energies and the existing energies of the backside chakra. 
      6. Wait until the chakra that you are working with balances and move to the next, repeating steps 2-6 until you have moved up the 7 major chakras.

      6.  Holding the arms up across the body (one hand above head & one hand above toe), silently or out loud speak these statements: 

       I ask that my client's energy  balances and integrates these new templates and wholly and completely and in alignment with Divine Order.

       I ask that Spirit supports and assists bringing any energies needed at this time  through the backside chakras to the front side in order to help his/her soul development and workings of the day to day reality.” 
      7. Optional:  If it feels necessary, you may help smooth the length of the energy system by using any smoothing method to clear energies that are asking to be released from the individual field.

      8.  Allow your client some time to integrate, release from the attunement, and ground your client. 

      The Requests for new energies:
      Please translate the name for God, Great Spirit, Holy Spirit, Universal Energies, etc.  that feels right for you / your client.

      Chakra One:
      Great Spirit, place into my hands all of the energies needed to actualize [my client’s] physical model so that it matches [his/her] Divine blueprint.”

      Chakra Two:
      “Great Spirit, place into my hands all of the energies needed to actualize [my client’s] new  feeling models so that  [he/she] can access and use a complete template of Universal feelings.”

      Chakra Three:
      “Great Spirit, place into my hands all of the energies needed to actualize [my client’s] new thought models so that  [he/she] can access and use a complete template of personal and Universal knowledge.”

      Chakra Four:
      “Great Spirit, place into my hands all of the energies needed to actualize [my client’s] new models of expression and love so that  [he/she] can access and use a complete template of [his/her] soul’s free expression and Unconditional love.”

      Chakra Five:
      “Great Spirit, place into my hands all of the energies needed to actualize [my client’s] new models of channels, thoughts, and ideas so that  [he/she] can access and use a complete template of all the information available to support the self-direction of [his/her] fate.”

      Chakra Six:
      “Great Spirit, place into my hands all of the energies needed to actualize [my client’s] new models of Divine visioning so that  [he/she] can access and use a complete template for their own Self-creation.”

      Chakra Seven: 
      “Great Spirit, place into my hands all of the energies needed to actualize [my client’s] inner Great Stillness so that  [he/she] can access [his or hers] oneness and unity with All that Is.

      You are invited to use this method in your practice, 
      butI ask that you not teach or reproduce this in written form without permission.

      Visit my website for information about classes and online talks on energy medicine.

      (1) The Chakra Connection originally comes from Dr. Brugh Joy and was adapted by Janet Mentgen for the use and practice of Healing Touch.  I was taught this method through The Healing Touch Program

      This post is lovingly dedicated to Franny.