Sunday, April 3, 2016

Attending to brokenness - or that which no longer serves....


I hear all the time that there is something that needs to change in you so that you can be whole?   
"Whole-er" than you are now?

False.   False.  False.

I'm not didactic.  
Boy, that sounds didactic doesn't it?

Disclaimer to soften the intro:  
I'm not someone who would ever "tell you your truth" because I don't believe 
that I could ever possibly know your truth better that you. 

Article, Finally

I do believe that on some levels when I made a contract with Spirit to do this work that there was some amount of responsibility that I agreed to in "Truth saying" and "Truth living" and "Truth being" and it is from here that I am writing today.

And when I hear the phrase, "I'm ready to shift that which doesn't serve" or "I'm ready to heal this part of me," I'm also hearing you say on some level that there is something in you or about you that is not ok; that is off;  something that is not resonating with you and you are asking to transform it. 

And, I want to offer something different. 

I think that along your way you chose a perfect choice to evolve your soul essence.  This choice might have brought you into some combination of a physical, body-based experience or a belief-based experience or it might have been a behavior or a relationship expeirience.  

And you lived with, learned something from it, and went deeper into your very sacred and special  relationship with your soul essence, with your Self.  And from this, you discovered that there might be an option for something different and something new.   

You could look at the crack in the rock and say that something needs to be filled in.  Or, you might also be feeling the stir of new flowers blooming through your life.

And I believe that when we look deeply at the flowers, at the new, at the possibility, that we draw forward the energies that resonate. We request of Spirit to send us more of the perfect flowers to bloom into the chapters of our lives.  We send out roots and messages that attract growth.

There is no choice but to stay curious in the unfoldings of our imaginations, of our soul whispers, of our beautiful garden within.      And as we create from the sweet imaginings born from Spirit and the alchemy of you and your living your own highest Truth   - something else is being transformed.

This is not 'healing' that is letting go, this is the 'healing' of  "going deeper,"  the 'healing' of finding next expressions of Love and Truth in your own life.   

And then we find ...

we are only that.

And always have been.

And always will be.

This post is lovingly dedicated to Jessica.

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