Tinnitus is mysterious in that it has roots that spread throughout all types of diagnostic theories and can be associated different "medical conditions".
- psychological (as in due to stress, tension held in the TMJ associated with stress, the actual "noticing" and "filtering" dervived from how we are "aware" and "perceive")
- nuitritional (as in a sensitivity to caffine or dairy)
- structural (as in looking into the structure of pressure around the vertebrae in the upper neck)
- physiological (as in associated with high blood pressure)
- environmental (as in due to loud environmental sounds or also associated with filtering EMF and other environmental energies)
I have a few clients right now struggling with a diagnosis of "tinnitus," but struggling more with the symptoms that come along with that definition.
I turned to my wisdom council, a group of amazingly talented healers (from all over the World) that I am honored enough to be a part of. Here's what was brought forward by our discussion.
I offer this because if anyone else is bothered by this and any of these ideas feel supportive to you, I invite you to take this information into your next medical appointment and discuss it with your doctor.
- An intuitive and licensed Medical Doctor from Munich reported that in her experience there are many underlying psychological issues that arrive when treating Tinnitus.
- An intuitive audiologist in Virginia reported that she is also in agreement around the presence of psychological aspects and stories that might need to be looked into. She also writes: There may only be inflammation within the vestibular system which cortisone can help. An MD can order a nystagmography test which can:
- help identify the presence of vestibular dysfunction
- give pointers to the MD toward other possible conditions
- A bioresonance practitioner in Australia shared that in the book, Cure for All Diseases (p169) Hulda Clark shared that there were 3 things combined that resulted in tinnitus.
- Streptococcus pneumonaie
- an allergy to salicylates (that [she] believes is pesticide-related)
- "toxic elements"
- A healer from Belguim offers that there are many layers to that issue, in my experience : physical, emotional, spiritual, nutritional etc. As far as the physical part is concerned, she has have noticed in the many cases, that it is often time linked to an automatic response of clenching the teeth and tensing muscles in the jaw and cerebral trunk area (which could be very subtle in this last case). This has a direct influence on the inner ear, because it restricts the flow path of inner ear liquid - perceived vibrations are then amplified into uncomfortable to unbearable sounds. Tensions at the base of the skull also slots down the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid, the head becoming a gigantic boombox.
- Another Healing Touch Practitioner suggested a supplement from a local acupuncturist that had good results in reducing tinnitus. It is called Lipo-Flavonoid Plus. It addresses nerve damage that contributes to tinnitus. You can buy it at Walgreens. The Walgreens pharmacist I checked with says there are a lot of people who buy it regularly to treat tinnitus. [AMELIA DOES NOT ENDORSE THE USE OF SUPPLEMENTS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF YOUR MEDICAL TEAM.]
- An intuitive from the Washington, DC area contributes that I'm struck by the words you use, Amelia-- "ringing" in particular, and I will come from a different angle simply because you/your clients are using the word "ringing" to describe sensation/vibration (a feeling, if you will). To me, "ringing" describes a sound. If the clients don't "listen to" the sensation and instead just witness it, does it pass more quickly? Is it there at all? In other words, I think if we sense something with multiple modalities (in this case, hearing and feeling), it becomes bigger than it is. In my own practice with this phenomenon (my auditory sensations come and go and have no rhyme or reason--at least not any I'm meant to glean), when I separate the sound from the feeling, I can work with the vibration alone and allow HSOG/kundalini self-correction to just move the thing in the way it needs to. If I try to hear or make sense of the sound (and why it's there), I get stuck and start suffering. This is key > being stuck is a coping mechanism. In this case, it can be from a client not actually wanting to feel the sensations/witness vibrations as they heal. Instead they hop to "hearing" and other activities that occur in the head. Best, I believe, to stay in the body, the vibration and movement. If this isn't tinnitus, and just the temporary coming and going of things rattling into place, then it will pass as soon as it is allowed to.
- An intuitive from MN shared that she has reduced her tinnitus 60-70% over 2-3 years with:
- Heavy duty chiropractic care and massage working along the sacral vertebrae along with cervical, especially the occiput. I have my massage person dig in under the skull. I also have her adjust my jaw inside the mouth.
- She talks through my "speaking up" issues--what to ignore and when I have to speak.
- She stretches daily and use a really good pillow.
- She sleeps with white noise or bird sounds.
- She chants every morning and believes the chanting has made a HUGE difference because it's feeding new sounds into my system -- specifically she chants the names of "God."
- It can be good to work on the kidney merdian line -- I eat for my adrenals, so am gluten and dairy free--the ringing returns if I eat too much gluten. (Gluten and pesticides/toxicity have a connection in our country.)